A Robust wireless interface available for operation in license free bands, equipped with cloud analytics and browser interface to log the temperature data and modify configurable properties of sensor as per user needs. Optional connection to 3G/4G, NBIot and LPWAN is available.

26 November, 2019 in  Apexplus

An ultra low power wireless interface operating in license free bands with a decent Line-of-sight range of 1km. Supports battery life of upto 5 years. Temperature, battery status and RSSI are displayed with provision for user-calibration. Remote firmware update is also available.

24 November, 2019 in  Apexplus

An IP 67 qualified, Transparent UART bridge to extend MODBUS RTU over wireless, with bit rates supported upto 115Kbps. The product is compatible with both two wire and four wire differential interfaces (RS422/485).

24 November, 2019 in  Apexplus

ALMA is a user friendly, easily configurable protocol converter. It can encapsulate serial data into ethernet packets (TCP or UDP) and also extract serial data from ethernet packets. The serial port settings are configurable using a simple browser based configuration interface.

24 November, 2019 in  Apexplus